Friday, February 15, 2008



Now if people start living sensibly, all diseases will vanish from the earth. Help yourself, help the people around you and reduce the incidence of diseases in society. Make the society really healthy. Let us improve health day by day and let us turn the hospitals into schools. So let us all work for the golden day when we shall have the minimum disease in society and everybody will be healthy. So we should all work for such a society.

Some people say nature cure takes a long time. Yes, you are coming to the supreme court, after having cleared all the lower courts. You have gone to the homeopath, the allopath, you have taken all drugs, you have taken 20 years. You have come to the supreme court. When you go to the supreme court, the supreme court will call for the records of all the lower courts, and will have to study the case. The supreme court will take time. Nature takes time because you come to it at a later stage. You come to us after poisoning yourself, reducing your vitality to nil; that is our difficulty.

A few Supplements have been added on specific topics like Kidney troubles, Skin disorders, Hair Problems and Non-Vegetarian Food, for the benefit of readers.

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